New/renew member details

If you’ve been directed to this page you probably have just joined the Bromley Symphony Orchestra – welcome! (If not, you can apply to join using our contact form.) You may also use this form to update your details after joining.

We need some contact details for administrative purposes like rehearsal changes. We also need to know whether we can claim Gift Aid on your subscription.

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    Gift Aid Declaration

    Please indicate whether you are currently a UK taxpayer and if so whether we may treat future subscriptions from you as Gift Aid. If this also applies to earlier subscriptions you have paid within the past 4 years please indicate that.

    If you have not paid UK tax at least equal to the sum of all your Gift Aid supscriptions for the same tax year, is there someone else (e.g. a family member) who is a taxpayer and is prepared to pay the subscription on your behalf? If so, that person will need to complete the declaration and be the person making the payment.

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    You must keep us informed of any change in tax status or address.


    Your next step will usually be to pay a member’s subscription by following the instructions on our subscriptions page.